News & Events
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Boston String Quartet
Apr 18, 2017The Boston String Quartet will perform on April 18th of 2017 my Passacaglia (2013). The performance will take place at University of Florida in MUB 101. The quartet is comprised by Christopher Vuk, Angel Valchinov, Chen Lin, and Kett-Chuan Lee. Passacaglia for string quartet is an homage to Ruth Crawford Seeger's triple passacaglia, a procedure in which three levels of coherence are maintained through rotations of a series and through employing this series to generate syntax. These three levels unfold in the foremost ground at the first rotated instance, in the middle ground at each time a new rotation starts, and in the background at the beginning of new sections. Every new section provides harmonic variety by featuring a transposed, inverted, retrograded or retrograded and inverted instances of the series.
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Saxophone Duo by Steven Stusek and Laurent Estoppey
Feb 25, 2015The saxophone duo by Steven Stusek and Laurent Estoppey will perform on February 25th 2015 at University of Florida in MUB 101 my Duo for Alto and Tenor Saxophones (2015). The reading will be followed by a workshop and recording session. I cannot wait to work with such great artists!

Out of Focus on SCI Showcase
Feb 7, 2015My piece Out of Focus (2014) for woodwind quintet will be featured on the SCI Showcase here at University of Florida. It is a free event happening February 7th 2015 at 7:30 PM in MUB 101.

Out of Focus Reading
Oct 12, 2014On October 12th 2014 I had a reading and workshop of Out of Focus (2014), my recent piece for wind quintet. It is always a wonderful experience to hear your music performed and to have a chance to work with the performers as well. The première of this piece will take place early in 2015.

Chamber Cartel
Mar 15, 2014On March 15th 2014 at 10 A.M. come see the reading and workshop of Mergers and Wagers (2014), my brand new piece for piano and percussion. The event will take place at University of Florida in MUB 101, and the piece will be performed by percussionist Caleb Herron and pianist Amy O'Dell, two members of the outstanding Chamber Cartel.

Cellist Craig Hultgren
Oct 21, 2013My piece Stingray Variations (2013) for solo cello will be performed by outstanding cellist Craig Hultgren in MUB 101 at University of Florida on October 21st 2013. After the reading there will be a short workshop with the performer. The piece explores the serial techniques of derivation and polyphonization, in which several layers of coherence occur simultaneously.

Student Composers' Concert
Apr 24, 2013On April 24th 2013 at 7:30 P.M. I will have two pieces featured in the Student Composers' Concert at USF. The recital will take place in Barness Recital Hall and the pieces presented are Whimsical (2013) for flute and piano and Étude (2013) for string quartet, performed by Erica Barden on the flute, Linnea Norsworthy on the piano, Luis F. Vieira Damiani on the viola, Michael Amos on the violoncello, Kate Bryant on the violin, and Leslee Smucker on the violin.

Upcoming Graduate Recital
Oct 26, 2012I am very excited to announce my Graduate Recital! I am particularly thrilled for having been able to finish a new piece for small ensemble called Triton Shells (2012) in time for this event. The program will have Four Piano Pieces (2000), Instrumental Quintet (2008), Trio Sonata (2010), Oasis (2012), as well as Triton Shells (2012), which I will conduct. Violinists Leslee Smucker, Valeria Frege and myself, violist Ashley Frith, cellists Natalie Schulthess and Michael Amos, and pianist and harpsichordist Jeff Chodil will join lovely flutist Erica Barden in Barness Recital Hall on October 26th 2012 at 7:30 P.M.

Student Composers' Concert
Oct 17, 2012On October 17th 2012 I will have two pieces presented in the Student Composers' Concert here at University of South Florida! One is very old and the other fairly new. Four Piano Pieces (2000) will be performed by Jeff Chodil and Trio Sonata (2010) by wonderful Erica Barden on the flute, along with Michael Amos on the cello, Jeff Chodil on the harpsichord and myself on the violin. The venue will be the Barness Recital Hall and the recital starts at 7:30 P.M.

Chacarera at USF's Concert Hall
Apr 15, 2012On April 15th 2012 at 7:30 P.M. I will have my piece Chacarera (2012) for English horn and percussion ensemble premiered in the Concert Hall at USF. Magnificent Amy Collins will join conductor Robert McCormick and members of the USF percussion studio. Chacarera was awarded in 2012 the Percussion Composition Prize and is a piece about my Gaucho origins.